Folk remedies for alcoholism.

Home remedies are one of the most affordable options for treating alcoholism. Its effectiveness has been proven in many examples from life, even in those cases where traditional medicine does not give the desired results.

Consider the most effective home remedies used for drunkenness.

Chemerichnaya water

Hellebore (also called puppeteer) is widely used by people for the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Pour a tablespoon of the crushed root of a plant with half a glass of boiling water, strain well after an hour, add boiling water to the original volume (up to half a glass). Store the chilled infusion in the refrigerator. Add fifteen drops to half a liter of vodka, shake well and give to drink. After that, the patient will start to vomit. Thus, in a fairly short time, the craving for drunkenness disappears and an aversion to alcoholic beverages generally develops. Chemerichny water can also be added to food and drinks (tea, compote): five drops three times a day.

Beaver oil

A very dubious method, once used by doctors. It consisted in the fact that castor oil (literally a dose of horse) was poured down the throat of the "sick man. "There is no evidence that castor oil is the cure for drunkenness. Apparently, the effect of castor oil was based on the fact that efforts to contain its laxative effects cleared the patient's mind.


The use of honey in the treatment of alcohol dependence is based on the fact that, according to folk medicine, the attraction to vodka develops due to a lack of potassium in the body. The use of honey only compensates for this shortage, therefore the desire to drink gradually decreases.

For one hour, every twenty minutes, the patient receives six teaspoons of honey (in just one hour, that is, 18 teaspoons), then a two-hour break and the procedure is repeated. In the following days, give six teaspoons of honey before and after breakfast. Honey treatment is carried out within 3-4 days. The rejection of alcohol appears. Although not clinically proven, it is obvious that this method maintains and strengthens health and therefore alleviates the "alcohol bondage".

In addition to the honey itself, a beekeeping product such as bee bread (bee bread) is used to treat addiction in alternative medicine. Take a mixture of a teaspoon of bee bread and a teaspoon of honey half an hour before meals (do not ingest, keep on the tongue and dissolve gradually). The reception is repeated three times a day, the effect is noticeable on the second or third day of treatment. For prevention, the treatment is repeated three times a week. This method reduces the risk of mental trauma when you stop drinking alcohol, improves blood circulation in the brain, helps cleanse the liver of toxins, and leads to quit drinking alcohol.

honey against alcoholism

The initial stage of alcoholism is treated with bee stings: fifteen live medicinal bees are placed on the body, slightly pressing them down, and after five minutes the stings are removed. The bites appear painful only at the beginning of treatment. This method is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

A crack

The cleft nail (European cleft nail, also called hernia) in the treatment of alcoholism is used in the form of a decoction. It is prepared like this: a teaspoon of hernia root is poured with a glass of hot boiling water, boiled for five minutes over low heat, the lid is closed and allowed to stand for another hour. Add the infusion to the vodka at the rate of one tablespoon for every 100 g of alcohol, or take one tablespoon a day. Due to the poisonous nature of the split nail, it induces vomiting. Treatment is carried out until the formation of a persistent aversion to alcohol.

Reception of such a decoction is contraindicated in patients with angina pectoris, as well as in pregnant women.

There is also a way to take clefthoof, such as adding the plant powder to coffee (add a quarter teaspoon of clefthoof powder to fifty grams of coffee, repeat after a few days). The effect is the same: vomiting occurs when drinking alcohol and in the end there is a complete dislike for alcohol.


Thyme (also known as thyme, also known as creeping thyme) has long been used in the treatment of alcoholism, including in herbal teas and preparations. For example, mix 4 parts thyme, 1 part centaur, and 1 part wormwood. A tablespoon of this collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour, filtered and taken in 1-2 tablespoons twenty minutes before meals.

Thyme helps relieve alcohol poisoning, sobers up, and then heals completely.

Another herbal recipe for treating alcoholism includes yarrow (St. John's wort), bitter wormwood, thyme, angelica, peppermint, and juniper. A mixture of herbs is poured (spoon) with a liter of boiling water and infused for ten minutes. After drinking this tea, kidney function and sweating increase, the tremors stop, the breakdown products of alcohol are naturally excreted from the body. A similar herbal tea is prepared from a mixture of thyme, horsetail, celery (herb), juniper berries, and cyanosis root. Herbal teas are a gentle treatment to drink.

Manure fungus

Dung beetle fungus is a unique and proven healing potion that allows you to get rid of drunkenness. Mushrooms are prepared in the traditional way: boiled, fried, stewed, baked. They taste like mushrooms and are not suspicious. When the fungus enters the body, the breakdown of alcohol in the blood slows down and severe intoxication begins. Over time, after several "sessions", there is a constant and persistent aversion to alcohol.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is not used as a medicine, but as a way to relieve, relieve symptoms, and eliminate alcohol poisoning. For 180 ml of warm water, you need to take a teaspoon (without slide) of baking soda and drink. Depending on the degree of intoxication, it may take up to a liter of such a solution to completely rinse and cleanse the body of poisons. Vomiting after drinking the solution will prevent the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream and the condition will improve. Under the influence of carbon dioxide in the stomach, the production of gastric juice will accelerate, which will also help to neutralize poisons.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is widely known as a remedy that reliably cures alcoholism. Two bay leaves are infused in 250 ml of vodka in a warm place for two weeks (for efficiency, you can add bay root or celery root); then take 2-3 tablespoons before meals. Bay leaf tincture causes indigestion and vomiting, which forever discourages an alcoholic from drinking. Reception course: daily for 7-10 days.

There are a few more recipes that use bay leaves. Therefore, 12 grams of lavrushka should be steamed with boiling water (one and a half glasses), brought to a boil and cooked for 10-15 minutes. Drink the broth during the day.


The ram (this is another name for the club-shaped lyre) is a low-growing creeping shrub found in our forests. This plant has long been used in the treatment of alcoholic patients. Ram twigs in the amount of 10 g are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. The broth is used in the amount of two tablespoons at the same time as the alcohol. Taking the broth provokes nausea and vomiting, after 3-4 receptions there is a persistent decrease in desire for alcohol.

A prerequisite for treatment with a decoction of mutton is a break in alcohol intake for at least 4 days. Since the plant is poisonous, the dosage must be strictly adhered to. Also, the herb is contraindicated in diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes, hypertension, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer disease.

When dealing with folk remedies, it should be remembered that even if there are numerous positive reviews, herbs are by no means harmless, they can have side effects and contraindications. And, if you really decide to receive treatment at home, you must take into account the patient's health, the risk of neuropathy and the tendency to allergies. The main thing is not to harm! We recommend that you seek the advice of a narcologist.